peace of mind


peace of mind

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Englannin sanakirja

peace of mind (englanti > suomi)

  1. mielenrauha

peace of mind englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The absence of mental turmoil or anxiety.

  2. 1726, w:Jonathan Swift|Jonathan Swift, Gullivers Travels'', ch. 18:

  3. These people are under continual disquietudes, never enjoying a minute's peace of mind.
  4. 1838, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, ch. 32:

  5. Who can describe the pleasure and delight, the peace of mind and soft tranquillity, the sickly boy felt in the balmy air, and among the green hills and rich woods, of an inland village!
  6. 1917, w:P. G. Wodehouse|P. G. Wodehouse, "Crowned Heads" in The Man With Two Left Feet and Other Stories:

  7. Genevieve was tall and blonde, a destroyer of masculine peace of mind.
  8. 2006 April 15, ",8599,1184009,00.html Dalai Lama: Tibet Wants Autonomy, Not Independence," Time (retrieved 26 May 2015):

  9. "Peace of mind is good for health, good for community, good for family, and also for physical growth."
